About Lazy Daisy
Hello, my name is Ella Le and I am the founder of Thrift Lazy Daisy. Since I was young, I've always had a knack for beauty. I was always a very visual child who listened to loads of music and played with makeup. Beauty had always been a huge thing in my life.
In 2015 when I was 12, my family was fortunate enough to move to New Zealand. This was where my passion for clothing solidified. I got the idea for a local, online thrift store in 2019 and since I was in a special curriculum called 'Project Based Learning', I figured there was nothing to lose to try it out.
A huge question arose for me when I started sharing my ideas:
Why not just have your own clothing line? Why a clothing store?

Well... I would love to start designing my own clothes and produce them. But at the moment, the clothing industry is the the second biggest contributor to global warming due to mass manufacturing. The companies are producing a few thousand tonnes of waste per collection, from excess dye and ink to scrap denim. Fabric was made to last so it would be in the world for a while, and some fabrics like polyester does not decompose.
Not only did I want to help the environment by lowering production demands for clothes, I wanted to create a safe environment for people of all ages to explore style, fashion and aesthetics. I find that it is very intimidating to try and look good in this generation, everything seemed so effortless and that was the pride and joy of everyone. Wanting to look good does not equal vanity or pride, it just means that that's how you wish to present yourself. I want to let people know that having an aesthetic isn't reserved for fashion/beauty enthusiasts. I want to give people the freedom to ask questions about styling clothes, where people shop, how they would dress for an event. I also want to give teens a cheaper option and let them have the opportunity to invest their money in something else like I did.
I invested in my own passions: fashion and the world. I've always loved to travel and see the world, and I want my children to be able to as well. Having Lazy Daisy has not only let me help others, but also let me continue to continue up-cycling clothes. I hope you enjoy your time on the site and maybe even become a Lazy Daisy Thrifter!